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BusBoss Map Viewer

BusBoss can use various sources of map data. Some map data offers better quality than others. The quality of the map data usually refers to missing roads, inaccurate road names and inaccurate house number ranges. This map viewer allows you to evaluate the quality of map data available in your area.

Orbit Software does not create map data. We allow our customers to choose their source of map data and we make it available for use within BusBoss.

Map Data Sources:

  • TomTom (aka TeleAtlas)
  • User Supplied

To use this map viewer, download it from the link provided. When you run this application, you will be prompted for a state. Select your state from the list. You will then be prompted for a county. Select it from the list. At this point, the map viewer will download data from our website.

Download the Map Viewer

This map viewer will work on any 32-bit or 64-bit version of Microsoft Windows operating system, including (Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP, Vista, 7). You will need an active internet connection to download map data.


Map Viewer Navigation

There are several ways to navigate throughout the map. You can use the navigation links (shown in the image to the left). Clicking the center circle zooms and centers the map so the entire county is visible. Clicking the arrow buttons will move the center of the map accordingly. Additionally, you can use the arrow keys on your keyboard to pan up, down, left, and right.

Map Viewer Navigation

Click the + or - icons to zoom in or out. Alternatively, you can press the + and - keys on your keyboard to zoom in and out. Using the scroll wheel on your mouse (if you have one) will zoom in and out. You can also click and drag a rectangle on the map to zoom in.

Map Viewer Navigation

The folder icon allows you to select another county to view. When you click the Open Map icon, you will first select the map source (TIGER or Tele Atlas). You then select the State, and finally select the county. After this last selection, the map data will be downloaded from the internet and show on the map.

Map Viewer Navigation

The Layers icon allows you to view the layers that are visible on the map. You can configure the layers to make the visible (or not) as well as other properties about each layer.

Map Viewer Navigation

The TRIPpatrol button allows you to download routes that were collected using the the "TRIPpatrol Tracker" iPhone application. When you click this button, you will be prompted for a vehicle that you want to display. Then you will be prompted for the date and time range for the vehicle. After selecting your information, additional map data may be downloaded. After the map data is displayed, the path for the vehicle will be highlighted automatically.

Map Viewer Navigation

The clear button allows you to remove map data and TRIPpatrol data. After clicking the clear button, you can then select different map data. This is particularly useful for viewing the differences between TIGER map data and Tele Atlas map data.


Map Viewer Search

There are several ways to search.

  • Search for address: You can type an address in to the search box and then press enter. If the address is found, the address will be displayed on the map.
  • Search for intersection: You can search for an intersection by typing two street names separated by &. For example: 5th & Main. If an intersection if found, it will be displayed on the map. Multiple intersections may exist for your search. Each will be marked on the map, but only one of them may be visible.
  • Search for street: If you enter a street name and hit enter, all streets with that name will be highlighted on the map in red. Since it is likely that multiple streets will match a street name search, the streets found may not be visible on the map. You may need to zoom out to see the streets that were found.
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